Bug Bite Thing Teams Up with Girl Scouts with $10,000 Donation
This week, Bug Bite Thing announced its $10,000 contribution and Annual Advocate for Girls partnership with Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida.

Bug Bite Thing is proud to partner with Girl Scouts and promote its mission to empower girls by teaching them vital skills, such as leadership and entrepreneurship. Through its Annual Advocate for Girls partnership, Bug Bite Thing Founder & CEO Kelley Higney is leading educational activities for Girl Scout campers at Welaka Summer Resident Camp in Tequesta, FL this summer. Each year, the camp hosts over a hundred girls and teaches them a variety of different skills. The company is also making an in-kind donation so that every Girl Scout will be equipped with a Bug Bite Thing.
Girl Scouts at Camp Welaka range from first to twelfth graders, with camper names like Wildflower, Buggy,Jasmine,and Nicki Minaj. The property boasts 640 acres of wild Florida, with mangrove forests, lake and river access, a swimming pool, and raised tent platforms for the campers to sleep.

Higney created a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) based program calledBug Bite Science with Bug Bite Thing, where she has conducted educational classes such asBotany in Action: Discovering Nature’s Natural Mosquito RepellentsandSave the Bees. Higney blends her company’s focus on insect science, the anatomy of different bug bites/stings, her business acumen, and other lessons that will encourage innovative thinking and creativity.

“As a third-generation female entrepreneur, I was fortunate to have incredible female role models in my life from a young age. They encouraged me to think creatively and taught me that my potential is limitless. Being the founder of a female-owned business, I’m thrilled to partner with Girl Scouts and inspire the next generation of female leaders. Through mentorship and education, I look forward to instilling self-confidence in the girls and seeing themshine,” says Higney.Later this summer, Higney will help judge the 2021 Mz. Biz Virtual Competition. During this two-week program, Girl Scouts will create a business plan and pitch. Prizes will be awarded to the winning business ideas and blossoming entrepreneurs. The winners will also take a tour of the Bug Bite Thing Headquarters.
Is your little one a Girl Scout? Share your summer photos and outdoor activities by tagging us @bugbitething on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter.

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